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What is the noun for inspirationists?

What's the noun for inspirationists? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. (physiology) The drawing of air into the lungs, accomplished in mammals by elevation of the chest walls and flattening of the diaphragm, as part of the act of respiration.
  2. (countable) A breath, a single inhalation.
  3. A supernatural divine influence on the prophets, apostles, or sacred writers, by which they were qualified to communicate moral or religious truth with authority; a supernatural influence which qualifies people to receive and communicate divine truth; also, the truth communicated.
  4. The act of an elevating or stimulating influence upon the intellect, emotions or creativity.
  5. A person, object, or situation which quickens or stimulates an influence upon the intellect, emotions or creativity.
  6. A new idea, especially one which arises suddenly and is clever or creative.
  7. Synonyms:
  8. Examples:
    1. “Mike has been the biggest inspiration in my ambition to become the world's best.”
      “Sometimes when inspiration hits, you create something that just tastes like ambrosia.”
      “Examiners compared observed systolic pressure between inspiration and expiration, and subtracted the two values.”
  1. An inspirer; one who inspires.
  2. An inhaler; one who inhales.
  3. A kind of injector for forcing water by steam.
  4. Examples:
    1. “Until you have tried it you will have difficulty in realizing how quickly wet wood will ignite when persuaded by the inspirator.”
      “Indeed, Rosiel, as beautiful and almost more feminine than his twin, is the inspirator of the program Tenshi Kinryouku.”
      “In the camp of the lumber-jacks and of the Indian rangers he was regarded as the pride of the mess and the inspirator of the tent.”
  1. One who holds to inspiration, especially divine inspiration.
  1. A book or article intended to inspire people with positive feelings.
  1. (slang) Clipping of inspiration.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “You can totally take inspo from these incredible videos next time you want to cover a zit or make under-eye circles look less noticeable.”
      “The celebrity fashion inspo site has a page dedicated to his on-point looks.”
      “If you know someone who is in a creative cul-de-sac and needs some inspo, then be a pal and pass this over to them.”
  1. Quality of being inspired.
  1. Someone who inspires.
  2. Examples:
    1. “I'll applaud the role of inspirer and moral example from a religious leader who wants to contribute to politics and social progress.”
      “A rollcall of Afrocentrists in the African Diaspora, since the 18th century, would include the inspirer of the Haitian liberation struggle.”
      “The compact between the inspirer and inspired is nothing to do with great reputations.”
  1. plural of inspirationist
  1. plural of inspirational
  1. plural of inspiration
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “We must never forget the intensely human story of the lessons, warnings and inspirations that story holds for us today.”
      “Male artists have often seen women as not only sexual objects but simultaneously as their inspirations and muses.”
      “If your most brilliant inspirations strike after dark, you can swing two feet on the floor and wheel into gear with mobile office equipment.”
  1. plural of inspirator
  1. plural of inspiring
  1. plural of inspirer
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