What is the noun for igloos?

What's the noun for igloos? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. A dome-shaped Inuit shelter, constructed of blocks cut from snow.
  2. (zoology) A cavity, or excavation, made in the snow by a seal, over its breathing hole in the sea ice.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “In the Arctic wilderness, the family sought shelter in their sturdy igloo, constructed with carefully shaped blocks of compacted snow.”
      “Temporary snow houses were also used, though the legendary igloo was a structure used more by Canadian Inuit.”
      “The obeah woman gave her associate an igloo and told him to go and buy some bags of ice from a gas station in the next parish.”
  1. plural of igloo
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Consider the Inuit, otherwise known as Eskimos, sitting in their igloos or caribou hide tents.”
      “Permanent and semi-permanent homes resembling igloos were built of sticks and branches plastered with mud, and with cow dung on the roofs.”
      “Winter dwellings may have been built from stone blocks like the familiar igloos of more recent times.”
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