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What is the noun for hostilizing?

What's the noun for hostilizing? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. (uncountable) The state of being hostile.
  2. (countable) A hostile action, especially a military action. See hostilities for specific plural definition.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “At that time, my enthusiasm met a cold blast of indifference or hostility from most of the people I talked to about it.”
      “Nick looked up and gave a bright and saccharine smile that hid his hostility towards his neighbor well.”
      “Never had there been such loud hostility between them, and least of all in public.”
  1. plural of hostility
  2. acts of war
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “If the decision is made after hostilities have ceased, it is more likely to favor civil liberty than if made while hostilities continue.”
      “He has also noted that about half the cases this year occurred during active hostilities or combat operations in the Persian Gulf.”
      “But this year's spring optimism may have been boosted by an early conclusion to hostilities.”
  1. plural of hostile
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The peacekeepers rushed out of the shuttle onto the planet, weapons drawn and ready to mow down any hostiles.”
      “In these respects the friendlies appear to be more acculturated that do the hostiles, although this does not mean that their ultimate goal is assimilation into the surrounding society.”
      “A good summary of the characteristics of friendlies and hostiles is excerpted from the field work notes on a northern coastal band in British Columbia.”
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