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What is the noun for fairings?

What's the noun for fairings? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. A community gathering to celebrate and exhibit local achievements.
  2. An event for public entertainment and trade, a market.
  3. An event for professionals in a trade to learn of new products and do business, a trade fair.
  4. A travelling amusement park (called a funfair in British English and a (travelling) carnival in US English).
  5. Synonyms:
  6. Examples:
    1. “There's an art fair in town at the moment with some incredible pieces from local artists.”
      “The annual spring fair will feature all the usual rides along with much fun and laughter.”
      “Expect an incredible range of products for sale at this month's local fair.”
  1. Something which is fair (in various senses of the adjective).
  2. (obsolete) Fairness, beauty.
  3. A fair woman; a sweetheart.
  4. (obsolete) Good fortune; good luck.
  5. Synonyms:
  6. Examples:
    1. “There's an art fair in town at the moment with some incredible pieces from local artists.”
      “The annual spring fair will feature all the usual rides along with much fun and laughter.”
      “Expect an incredible range of products for sale at this month's local fair.”
  1. A structure on various parts of a vehicle, for example an aircraft, automobile, or motorcycle, that produces a smooth exterior and reduces drag
  2. (rare) A present; originally, one given or purchased at a fair.
  3. (Scotland, England, obsolete) Something edible; fare.
  4. Synonyms:
  5. Examples:
    1. “At the charity fair, I won a beautiful fairing for my daughter and she was delighted with the surprise gift.”
  1. An area where a fair (an event for public entertainment) or other public event is held; a showground.
  2. A commercially-operated collection of rides, games and other entertainment attractions; an amusement park.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “The regulations, he said, would place a duty of care on organisers of funfairs and owners of fairground equipment.”
      “After wandering around the altered room, I felt as if I was in a fairground funhouse where floors and walls are designed to discombobulate.”
      “In addition to her fairground business, she sells smuggled liquor to the inns and public houses on her circuit.”
  1. The property of being fair or equitable.
  2. The property of being fair or beautiful.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “Four types of fairness evaluations are introduced: Not only the procedural fairness of the judge but also the fairness of the sentence, the overall procedural justice, and the fairness of process rules.”
      “Her face was slightly flushed, the royal blue of her gown heightening the fairness of her skin and the glow of love in her eyes.”
      “Virginia is the maiden daughter of Virginius, who allows her fairness and beauty to lead her to trouble.”
  1. Alternative spelling of fairground; the grounds where a fair is held.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “State security police in black uniforms had replaced the parking assistants that usually patrol the fairgrounds ' two parking areas.”
      “Live costumed characters from the Aquarium will stroll around the fairgrounds, including a whale, a shark, and a sea horse.”
      “He pushed the older man around the fairgrounds all day in a rented rattan chair on wheels.”
  1. (archaic) A fairing; a present brought from a fair.
  1. Fairs generally; the realm or sphere of fairs.
  1. (obsolete) fairness; beauty
  1. A person who is attending a fair.
  1. plural of fairground
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “State security police in black uniforms had replaced the parking assistants that usually patrol the fairgrounds ' two parking areas.”
      “Live costumed characters from the Aquarium will stroll around the fairgrounds, including a whale, a shark, and a sea horse.”
      “He pushed the older man around the fairgrounds all day in a rented rattan chair on wheels.”
  1. Obsolete spelling of fair
  1. plural of fairgoer
  1. plural of fairling
  1. plural of fairing
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The engine nacelles are fitted with trouser fairings to provide a continuous streamlined profile between the nacelles and the tail beams.”
      “Usually, touring bikes have hard-shell trunks on either side of the fender, windshields, full fairings, in-dash audio equipment and a dashboard.”
      “Painting was again delayed due to a need to re-do gun port fairings along with some antenna work.”
  1. plural of faire
  1. plural of fair
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Hal Meah, a sketch artist who set up his easel at the fairs on our route, taught me how to draw.”
      “The convenience sample was recruited from fraternal organizations, health fairs, and churches in a Midwestern community.”
      “These are usually performed at religious fairs and festivals or at harvest time.”
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