“The formula should take into account the underlying dynamics of crime.”
“The dynamics of the bass are all over the place. There are really soft and really loud notes played erratically, and it's hard to get a good feel for the rhythm.”
“Social criticism is still present, then, but it is half submerged in the dynamics of strong men in conflict.”
“Anyone, stasist or dynamist, who can find a way to exterminate the rats will get my vote.”
“Their focus is on discussing the effects of emerging technologies and scientific progress on society with classical free-market ideas and dynamist thoughts on experimentation.”
“In her words the stasis perspective embraces the secure and static future where a dynamist perspective embraces change and failure, learning and exploration.”
“So transcultural poetics has an amorphousness about it that is also about a dynamicity and aversion to coerce frameworks of reading into hierarchical value systems.”