“Yet it was the great Russian crystallographer and mineralogist Vladimir I. Vernadsky who brought the term into common parlance with his book of the same name.”
“As a crystallographer and mineralogist, Lachlan specialized in applying neutron beams to the studies of materials science, structural chemistry, magnetism and geology.”
“Dr. Fortier is a crystallographer by training, specializing in the development of mathematical and artificial intelligence methodologies for protein structure determination.”
“Usually of a white or light greenish color and vitreous lustre, in acicular crystallizations.”
“This is furnished by numerous salt springs of limpid water, which are continually welling up, overflowing their borders, and forming beautiful crystallizations.”
“In the end, Brague's profoundly analytic histories of the crystallizations and fracturings of the two premodern heteronomies leave us with many questions.”