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What is the noun for creatings?

What's the noun for creatings? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. (theology) The Abrahamic doctrine that each individual human soul is created by God, as opposed to traducianism.
  2. Any creationary belief, especially a belief that the origin of things is due to an event or process of creation brought about by the deliberate act of any divine agency, such as a Creator God (creator god).
  3. The belief that a deity created the world, especially as described in a particular religious text, such as the Quran or the Book of Genesis.
  4. Synonyms:
  5. Examples:
    1. “As a movement, they are unwilling to align themselves with Biblical creationism.”
      “It is the debate over our origins and how evolution or creationism or intelligent design should be taught in our nation's public schools.”
      “Biblical creationism, which is a separate line of argumentation, appeals to the authority of the Genesis account.”
  1. (countable) Something created such as an invention or artwork.
  2. (uncountable) The act of creating something.
  3. (uncountable) All which exists.
  4. Synonyms:
  5. Examples:
    1. “The creation of new parks will add some much-needed greenery to the urban landscape.”
      “One can only theorize on the true origin of all creation.”
      “His latest creation was a large sculpture that amalgamated discarded materials collected from the street.”
  1. (countable) A person directly involved in a creative marketing process.
  2. (uncountable) Artistic material used in advertising, e.g. photographs, drawings, or video.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “Your job as a creative will be to work closely with the marketing team to realize their ideas.”
      “The creative for our upcoming campaign will include several shots of a happy couple on their honeymoon.”
  1. Something or someone which creates or makes something.
  2. (religion) The deity that created the world.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “Well, as a creator and an artist, I am a creature overwhelmed by the creative process itself.”
      “The best-known Walloon author is mystery writer Georges Simenon, creator of the character of the police commissioner Maigret.”
      “We cannot know the mind of the creator with sufficient certainty to predict this with perfect accuracy.”
  1. The ability to use imagination to produce a novel idea or product that is useful to society.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “To succeed in this industry, one must be disciplined yet also possess an innate level of creativity.”
      “Animation is a genre that has taken gigantic strides in creativity and in the use of technology.”
      “By then, his creativity had expanded to incorporate architecture and town planning.”
  1. (religion) The doctrine that God creates a soul for each body that is generated.
  1. One who subscribes to the religious theory of creatianism.
  1. The state of being creative; creativity.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Every young person must be allowed to develop his or her skills and creativeness to the full.”
      “His creativeness also extends into the literary field, with his poetry writings having been previously published as part of an anthology of local writers.”
      “One way forward could be more creativeness in the use made of the private sector.”
  1. State or condition of a creator.
  1. Obsolete form of creator.
  1. (derogatory) A creationist.
  2. Synonyms:
  1. (rare) A female creator.
  2. Examples:
    1. “I am both the creatrix and the creature and I am responsible for all that happens in my life.”
      “I am the sole creatrix, responsible and accountable for all that happens to me.”
      “Not since she had become the virtual creatrix of beauty, even the giver of life!”
  1. A female creator.
  1. plural of creationist
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “As noted above, creationists do not have a really satisfactory explanation for the increasing modernness of fossils.”
      “The editor-in-chief of the leading popular science journal Scientific American has charged creationists with being unscientific.”
      “Sometimes evolutionists are so keen to attack creationists that they don't realise their self-contradictions.”
  1. plural of creatianist
  1. plural of creatorship
  1. plural of creatress
  1. plural of creatard
  2. Synonyms:
  1. plural of creation
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The ceiling is hung with lamps of every shape and size, from glass floats tied with rope to whimsical creations made of seashells.”
      “The pricey menu is big on fish but there are some original ravioli and pasta creations thrown in.”
      “His creations include attractive-looking lampshades made of laminated and waxed paper, with dried flowers making for beautiful floral patterns.”
  1. plural of creative
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Typically, agency creatives would find it too limiting to work solely with one brand.”
      “It avoided those well-trodden media ruts that lead to aged baby-boomer creatives who have long since stopped being interesting.”
      “I don't know, the real trendies and creatives and coders who get to work on fixies aren't doing the iphone any more surely?”
  1. plural of creatour
  1. plural of creatrix
  1. plural of creatrix
  1. plural of creator
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “So is the related belief that we can direct behavior via culture, a delusion that comforts worrywarts and flatters creators.”
      “It is governed automatically by scripts that do the specific bidding of their creators both to help and to reprimand users of the protocol.”
      “Users infected with a new strain of ransomware found their computers held hostage in exchange for a money transfer demanded by its creators.”
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