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What is the noun for cootie?

What's the noun for cootie? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. (dated, British Army military slang) A louse.
  2. (Canada) A louse.
  3. (Canada) Any germ or contaminant, real or imagined, especially from the opposite gender (for pre-pubescent children).
  4. (rare) A nest-building female American Coot (counterpart to cooter).
  5. (rare) A slang term for a sideswiper, a type of telegraph key.
  6. Synonyms:
  7. Examples:
    1. “A soldier was going over the top when one of his cootie friends bit him on the calf.”
      “Just as he stooped, a shell whizzed over where his head would have been if he had not gone after the cootie.”
      “The male candidates have asked for verification that Carly Fiorina has received her cootie shots prior to sharing the stage with her.”
  1. Any of various aquatic birds of the genus Fulica that are mainly black with a prominent frontal shield on the forehead.
  2. (colloquial) A foolish or eccentric fellow
  3. (slang, with the) A success; something excellent.
  4. (slang) Body louse.
  5. Synonyms:
  6. Examples:
    1. “I saw a single coot and lots of wood pigeons perched in the dead trees surrounding the lagoon.”
      “Sibelius was portrayed as a grim faced gentleman with mad, bulging eyes, bald as a coot.”
      “However, there were plenty of resident shorebirds hanging out in the lagoon as well, such as the American coot, killdeer, and American avocet.”
  1. A freshwater turtle of the eastern United States of the genus Pseudemus.
  2. The box turtle.
  3. (slang) A redneck.
  4. Synonyms:
  5. Examples:
    1. “Little turtles, like the red-eared slider or the Florida cooter, are unassuming and nice.”
      “The slider and cooter, on the other hand, have a mixed diet, the cooter's being more heavily vegetarian.”
      “So, ladies, if you wanna rob a bank but you don't want your cooter poked, head to beautiful Minnesota, land of ten thousand lakes.”
  1. A young coot
  1. plural of cootling
  1. plural of cootie
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “In a matter of a couple of months, dating had taken me back to grade school when all boys were icky and cooties were a very real threat.”
      “Every time her father used it, he'd bring it to a boil, which would kill the cooties.”
      “That won't be easy, considering he's surrounded by hairy-freckled morons, wedgie-loving bullies and a moldy slice of cheese with nuclear cooties!”
  1. plural of coot
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “And the Airport Marsh harbored a multitude of ducks, coots, egrets, herons, and rails.”
      “Apart from coots and related rails, only ostriches and weaverbirds can detect parasitic eggs left by their own species.”
      “Apparently large numbers of ducks, coots and other waterbirds winter at the lake.”
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