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What is the noun for anapaestical?

What's the noun for anapaestical? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. (prosody) In qualitative metre, a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, two unstressed and one stressed (e.g., the word "interrupt").
  2. (prosody) In quantitative metre, a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, two short and one long (e.g., the word "velveteen").
  3. (prosody) A fragment, phrase or line of poetry or verse using this meter, e.g.
  4. Synonyms:
  5. Examples:
    1. “They seemed startled by the realization they could actually craft iamb, anapest, anapest, and have it come out a poem.”
      “In the next pair of variations, we return to the major, with a lively anapest rhythm.”
      “An anapest is a literary term indicating some imbalance, the end of a word or phrase being stronger that its beginning.”
  1. A verse that contains anapestic feet
  1. Alternative spelling of anapestic
  1. Obsolete form of anapestic.
  1. (Britain) Alternative form of anapest
  2. Examples:
    1. “Mansfield's rhythmic shifts, a mixture of trochees, iambs, and anapaest, convey the uncertainty of early love.”
      “In the first of the two lines, an initial anapaest is followed by a spondee and two iambs.”
  1. plural of anapaestic
  1. plural of anapestick
  1. plural of anapestic
  1. plural of anapaest
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