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What does yae mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word yae? Here's what it means.

  1. The Korean vowel ㅒ.
  2. The Cyrillic letter Ԙ (capital), ԙ (lower case), a ligature of Я and Е.
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They waste mair in yae day, whiles, than wad keep your family or mine for a whole year.
Lod, Lod, three cradles a' rockin' at the same time in yae hoose, it will be like a smiddyor a watchmaker's shop!
The next night, too, while yae and Yakumo were playing on the flute and koto, the young man appeared again.
They thocht the ill auld boy was comed into the midst o' them, an' wi' yae consent they made for the door.
Yae is Yae chow, a town of Hainan, southerly from the capital of the island 1,114 le.

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