So too unemployed ex-soldier Barry Witham, when the jobless are smeared as workshy and Mr Cameron is driving down wages and letting bosses unfairly sack hired hands. |
Carlyle, who thought man should content himself with being the worthy follower of worthy superiors, would no doubt have approved. Go with the flowNot that Carlyle was workshy. |
Anon NOT everyone being summoned to Atos in Cadogan Street, Glasgow, is a workshy freeloader, as Del the cabbie says. |
The Scottish National Party and the Greens would be milder still. Labour has so far said less, for fear of a return to Thatcher-era unelectability, when the party was painted as being on the side of the workshy. |
Workshy benefits claimants should stop watching daytime television and get a job. |
Make the workshy pick up a shovel, the thinking seems to run, and they will acquire a taste for it. Hungary certainly has an employment problem. |