Place in 2 quarts of water and gently simmer down to 1 quart, strain and take a wineglassful every two hours. |
Rub into it a dessertspoonful of butter, two eggs beaten very light, a wineglassful of cream or milk, and a little salt. |
A wineglassful taken each morning before breakfast is the full dose, but at first it may be desirable to give only half this quantity. |
A wineglassful of the oil, added to a gallon of soft water, and about 2oz. |
Infuse one ounce of leaves to one pint of boiling water and take in wineglassful doses twice a day. |
Sabin, after a moment's hesitation, took a phial from his pocket and poured a few drops into a wineglassful of water. |