There were cottages for the workmen and a fine house for the wharfinger, as well as inns and stables. |
We have a residence in the harbour now, which the municipality helped us get, and it's occupied 24-7 by our wharfinger. |
In furtherance to my idea, I applied to the late Mr Robson, Wharfinger, Newcastle, for leave to try an experiment with one of his leaden vessels, which was granted. |
He turned to the wharfinger, who was pulling leisurely at his pipe. |
Kevin Bateman, the wharfinger, had spotted us as we were approaching and already knows who we are, having been handed our reservations by the ship's purser a few minutes earlier. |
We have a wharfinger, and the moorage fees and the accounting is done by a private firm, with an overview by our director of finance. |