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What does unmindful mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word unmindful? Here's what it means.

  1. lacking awareness; oblivious
  2. failing to remember or recognize something; heedless
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At this moment may I be totally forgetful of myself, and remain utterly unmindful of my own person.
The above statement is also valid to a son of man insofar as he too acts unmindful of the fruits of action.
He was so unmindful of the world around him that vines grew undisturbed up his arms and legs and anthills rose around his feet.
Apparently unmindful of its own shortcomings, the RBA points a finger at entrepreneurial excesses and regulatory oversights of others.
It is basically because the unmindful energy out in the world is very insidious, as is, quite often at any rate, our own personal unmindfulness.
He went about his work, unheedful of the jests, ungalled by his irons, unmindful of the groans and laughter about him.

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