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What does unlikeness mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word unlikeness? Here's what it means.

  1. (uncountable) the state of being unlike
  2. (countable) an unlike characteristic
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As Socrates emphasizes, it is possible for sensible things to partake of both likeness and unlikeness, and hence be both like and unlike.
That would imply likeness and unlikeness, equality and inequality.
In Augustine's view, we live in what he calls the region of unlikeness, and what we're unlike is God.
Because of the kind of life I've had, of being bounced around the planet quite a lot... I've had constantly to be aware of likeness and unlikeness.
You mean being and not being, and likeness and unlikeness, and same and different, and one and any other number they have.
According to Separation, like things are like by partaking of a separate form of likeness and unlike things are unlike by partaking of a separate form of unlikeness.

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