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What is a thrips?

What is a thrips? Here are some definitions.

  1. Any of the many small insects of the order Thysanoptera, especially those that attack useful plants.
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Stunted rose buds or flowers are usually a sign of thrips, a silvery insect that is almost too tiny to see.
Unlike gall midges, thrips have a wide host range, feeding on the flowers of many species of plants.
Green lacewings, like ladybugs, diminish aphid and mealybug populations, as well as thrips.
Insects such as ants, mealy bugs and thrips have been found in 37 out of 43 shipments, which then needed fumigation.
Here, we present the entire nucleotide sequence of the mt genome of the plague thrips, Thrips imaginis.
There are a few pests to watch for that like fuchsias such as spider mites, thrips, whiteflies, aphids, and fuchsia gall mites.

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