Begonia piring has paired carpellate flowers with 5 tepals borne beneath a larger staminate inflorescence and hence is likely affiliated with Begonia sect. |
Males produce only staminate flowers with stamens and no vestigial pistils. |
Begonia sabahensis and B. calcarea are closely allied species with orange and yellow flowers respectively, borne on separate umbellate staminate and unifloral carpellate inflorescences. |
In a hermaphroditic plant, flowers are first staminate, then pistillate, and the sexual stages do not overlap within the flower. |
Pistillate flowers are initiated on the lower portion of the inflorescence and staminate flowers are initiated on the distal portion. |
A cup-shaped staminate perianth with dorsal, fleshy, crestate appendages is present only in Endolepis dioica. |