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What are sporozoites?

What are sporozoites? Here are some definitions.

  1. plural of sporozoite
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The sexual phase of the Plasmodium life cycle is completed with the fertilization of a macrogamete by a flagellar microgamete, and the subsequent generation of sporozoites.
The sporozoites released from the oocyst reproduce asexually within cells, producing merozoites that burst from those cells, each to infect a new cell.
Inside the liver, the sporozoites change form and then grow and divide into thousands of merozoites.
They then watched as sporozoites traversed Kupffer cells using a special process distinct from ordinary parasite locomotion.
The sporoplasm may be either a plasmodial mass, with numerous nuclei, or may form a certain number of uninuclear sporozoites.
Tissue damage to the host's liver, kidney, spleen, lungs, or other organs can occur when the vector injects sporozoites that enter host cells to develop into meronts.

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