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What does sightless mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word sightless? Here's what it means.

  1. Without sight; blind.
  2. Synonym of invisible
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His sightless eyes looked almost black in the shadows cast by the candle he had lit.
The girl stares at the shark, her pretty human eye focused on the eye of the sightless, eerie fish.
A sightless masseur who roams 19th-century Japan fighting injustice, he is easy to love and hard to kill.
Sprawled on the floor, her skin as white as chalk, her sightless eyes staring up the ceiling, was the body of an old lady.
To convince the enemy of their menacing strength, the townspeople were ordered to bang drums, blow trumpets and jostle the sightless envoy.
Now you know what an auditory minefield we sightless people face all the time.

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