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What does scrabble mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word scrabble? Here's what it means.

  1. To scrape or scratch powerfully with hands or claws.
  2. (intransitive) To move something about by making rapid movements back and forth with the hands or paws.
  3. To scribble.
  4. To mark with irregular lines or letters; to scribble on.
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Players have to bring their own scrabble sets, tiles in cloth bags and also a pen or pencil for score keeping.
I began to scrabble and fumble around on the floor in search of some kind of weapon.
I scrabble frantically for concealer and eyeliner, lip gloss and eyeshadow.
Then seeing the man lunge at her, she screeched and tried to scrabble away towards the garden maze.
Birds and other unseen creatures scrabble about in the windswept bushes of central park, but I would rather not deliberate too much about that.
When the brambles became impassable, we would scrabble up the canyon sidewalls and work our way along slopy, discontinuous ledges.

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