Usually pyothorax-associated lymphoma arises in patients with a history of chronic pyothorax, typically resulting from iatrogenic pneumothorax for pulmonary tuberculosis or, more rarely, tubercular pleurisy. |
To our knowledge this is the first report of pyothorax associated with A. haemolyticum from India. |
The use of pedicled omentum in cases of BPF with concurrent chronic pyothorax, or in those requiring a second closure after fenestration, has been reported. |
I carry a high deductible policy on our dogs that are actively trialing, and I was very grateful for that policy when one of our dogs suffered a pyothorax in February. |
The postoperative course was complicated by pericarditis and tachyarrhythmias during the first 48 hours and subsequently by a left pyothorax. |
The veterinarian and I couldn't figure out what was wrong until Tai developed a full-blown pyothorax in his chest. |