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What does procreated mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word procreated? Here's what it means.

  1. simple past tense and past participle of procreate
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The stork had just procreated and was spreading its wings over the helpless little creatures in the nest to protect them from the scorching late-June sun.
Those alive today have been selected relative to similar ones that never survived or procreated.
They also examine how it digested food, how old it lived to be, how it procreated and whether it was warm-blooded like a mammal or cold-blooded like a reptile.
The donor must be a member of a couple who have already procreated.
Human beings can be procreated only by sexual union between a woman and a man.
The State has a fundamental interest in this social institution where most children are procreated and nurtured and, according to recent statistics, continues to be the most stable environment in which to raise a family.

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