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What does prettified mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word prettified? Here's what it means.

  1. simple past tense and past participle of prettify
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In the minds of many it may be prettified and romanticised, but the need for it is strong notwithstanding.
Apart from the BES, he prettified up to 100 houses in Engadine with scraffito decoration.
In Home, even the most painful and devastating moments are told head-on, not prettified to make them more palatable nor heightened to create a stronger impression.
Our show isn't a prettified atmosphere, it's pretty full-on.
On inspection, the colours were wrong, ditto the texture and the screws that prettified the straps.
To hide these issues under a cloak of prettified gentility would be a great betrayal of the art form of opera and the huge heritage of deeply-felt music which it incorporates.

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