Nous pensons que ce theme du poete asexue ou poete-femme est la prefiguration du theme de l'homosexualite developpe dans Sodome et Gomorrhe. |
Moses's act of liberation becomes an allegorical prefiguration of Christ's redemption of all humanity from the bondage of sin. |
The birth of Christ, which is the prefiguration of the Salvation by God, is held in a great respect and gives joy and complete exultance. |
The various meetings that took place during the elaboration of the study with the directors of the D. M. D. T. S lead us to propose a partial prefiguration of this program in order to use this time lapse positively. |
Would this constitute the prefiguration of the future framework directive of the European Union for international river basins? |
But the Mundaneum also appears, through Paul Otlet's certain institutions, as a prefiguration of Internet and of the information society that will doubtless be the twenty-first century. |