It was not the less agreeable an object in the distance for the cluster of pinnacled corn-ricks which balanced the fine row of walnuts on the right. |
There are no pinnacled heights, no stratified, minareted walls, no precipiced cirques and glacier-shrouded peaks. |
Following the recent discovery that Vanbrugh visited India and drew Mogul mausolea, Hart compares the pinnacled skyline of Blenheim to the Taj Mahal. |
A good orientation point is the pinnacled Scott Monument, dedicated to Scottish novelist and poet Sir Walter Scott, set in Princes Street Gardens. |
Behind the stronghold, majestic pinnacled houses are guarded by a many-towered city-wall. |
Anybody who knows Jake's career knows that he pinnacled the liberal-media ladder a decade ago and then bounded to the top of a tower crane that's beyond politics. |