From the fog of smoggy Hampstead marshes to the blistering heat of an Egyptian noon, Peasouper is the epic tale of greed, jealousy and man's inhumanity to camels. |
Then, with Teesside imploring the Gods of football and wintery precipitation to deepen the peasouper and get the game off, it suddenly, inexplicably lifted. |
The mist thickens into a swirling grey peasouper and the bridge turns on the foghorn and keeps a watchful eye on the radar. |
How wonderful to be able to see the former banking hall's amazing decor without peering through the nicotine equivalent of a peasouper. |
I could tell you some chump-chilling tales about life on the box in a London peasouper. |
At night the Victorian brass fittings bathe everything in an intimate yellow glow, so you appear to be wandering through a peasouper fog in Sherlock Holmes' London. |