The Aztecs cultivated cochineal, a tiny insect that lived on the native nopal cactus and produced a red dye that was the brightest and strongest color Europe had ever seen. |
The anchors were thrown out from the car and one of them, coming in contact with the branches of an enormous nopal, caught on it firmly. |
A dietary pattern including nopal, chia seed, soy protein, and oat reduces serum triglycerides and glucose intolerance in patients with metabolic syndrome. |
The Mexica moved to an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco, where an eagle nested on a nopal cactus. |
Most of the vegetation in these areas is arid grassland with desert plants such as nopal. |
The nopal cactus will grace your plate if you order either the cactus gratinado or the cactus fajita. |