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What is a musth?

What is a musth? Here are some definitions.

  1. A time during which male elephants exhibit increased levels of sexual activity and aggressiveness and often secrete leaking temporin from the sides of their heads.
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Males in musth actively seek mating opportunities and become much more aggressive toward other bulls.
During sexually active periods, known as musth, males spend much of their time searching for mates.
Bull elephants are loners and regularly enter a testosterone-charged state called musth, which causes them to attack trainers and other elephants alike.
What was it the Mahometan syce the musth elephant killed at Bhurtpore said about his wife?
But at the age of 27 in 1900, he developed a condition called musth, in which raised testosterone causes aggression.
Introducing old males to the area stopped these behaviors, probably by suppressing musth, a period when testosterone in males surges, Poole and others wrote in Nature.

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