The only organisms isolated were diphtheroids, coagulase-negative staphylococci, and micrococci. |
Tests on two bands on a fan's wrists since Reading Festival in 2013, showed they were home to around 9,000 micrococci and 2,000 staphylococci bacteria. |
One study on teff fermentation claimed that Gram-positive bacteria dominated the aerobic flora of teff and among these, micrococci and Bacillus spp. |
Bttcher's98 view that gastric ulcer is of mycotic origin, being produced by micrococci, has thus far met with no confirmation. |
However, the large number of coagulase-negative staphylococci and micrococci isolated may suggest contamination by personnel, as these are common skin commensals. |
The effusion is not so much due to exudation as to a transudation of serum with which micrococci are commingled. |