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What are macrofossils?

What are macrofossils? Here are some definitions.

  1. plural of macrofossil
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The areas where Holocene macrofossils have been located and carbon-dated are indicated by coloured zones to the north of the current treelines.
In contrast, the many shale layers seem to be poor in macrofossils largely because they were deposited at depth below the photic zone as indicated by benthic foraminifera.
The apparent increase of carbonaceous macrofossils through the Proterozoic Eon is likely a result of combined biological and environmental evolution.
Up until now more than 30,000 macrofossils have been excavated, all of which document a highly diverse terrestrial flora and fauna.
Cooccurring macrofossils include 18 species of agnostoid and polymeroid trilobites, some of which are partly silicified.
Macrofossils such as Scutella, Clypeaster, Echinolampas, Amphiope, and Maretia represent warm waters.

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