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What are lochs?

What are lochs? Here are some definitions.

  1. plural of loch
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In the east, in complete contrast, there is a dramatic and wildly beautiful rocky coastline broken by a multitude of bays, inlets and sea lochs.
The code will supply unrestricted access to the country's inland waterways, including all rivers, canals and lochs.
Ferox are exclusively a fish of the central European glacial lakes, the Scottish lochs and the Irish loughs.
He told her the tales of the sea lochs and the firths that decorated the coast.
Our final day was again beautifully sunny, if freezing, so we decided to row a boat around one of Donegal's many lochs.
They could write the book on luxury, whether it's stays in country houses on the shores of magical lochs or voyages through the Outer Hebrides.

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