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What is a living will?

What is a living will? Here are some definitions.

  1. (law) A document, made by a person when still legally fit to do so, which provides clear instructions or principles to be employed by a surrogate decision-maker, such as expressing a desire to be allowed to die instead of being kept alive by artificial means, in the event of being severely disabled or suffering from a terminal illness.
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You have to write a living will while you are healthy and able to make your own decisions.
It is imperative to discuss a living will and advance directives with patients who have terminal cirrhosis.
Do you have a living will or a durable power of attorney for health care, sometimes called an advanced directive?
You will have to work harder to get the same products, and your standard of living will be harmed.
Documents relating to a living will and advanced directives should be reviewed.
It is now clear that the other type of living will is effective in English law, subject to certain tests for validity.

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