The main cause was the inconvenient distribution of taxes for the town and, in the last stage, designating burghers and their children as liegemen. |
The liegemen, servants to the monastery obliged with military service to the abbot, participated in administration of the large property complex of the monastery. |
From a feudal estate, the main revenue of which was the money rent of liegemen and the profit from fish farming, evolved an estate with developing seigniorial economy in manorial farms and with growing workload of serfs. |
The cause of the dispute was that the lords addressed the burghers and their children as liegemen. |
The drift of population was compensated by immigration of new liegemen from Bohemia who found not only religious tolerance in the town and the manor, but also good conditions for living. |
The other men, two of Lord Roquesworthe's liegemen besides himself, and his oldest son, Noel, made up the other participants in the conversation. |