Silicone was invented 1899 by Prof Frederick Kipping at University College, Nottingham. |
I was back from Germany for a few weeks and was kipping for a couple of nights on the sofa in the place that my ex-housemates were now sharing with my ex-girlfriend. |
Dr David Kipping, a British astronomer now based at Harvard, has raised funds to help his search to find the first exomoon – a moon that orbits a planet in another solar system. |
Using vacant and abandoned lots, Mr. Kipping proposes a decentralized information bank spread out across Harlem as if the neighborhood were an exploded campus for learning. |
Brother-in-law, by now, had already slipped out, so I had a little shut-eye myself, waking to find my beloved still kipping. |
Now at this stage I was all for kipping on the floor of the family room, rather than leave my poor, unprotected wife in the hands of evil maternity ward goons. |