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What is a gullet?

What is a gullet? Here are some definitions.

  1. The throat or esophagus.
  2. (cytology) The cytopharynx of a ciliate, through which food is ingested.
  3. The space between the teeth of a saw blade.
  4. A channel for water.
  5. A preparatory cut or channel in excavations, of sufficient width for the passage of earth wagons.
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He died suddenly in Bradford Royal Infirmary from ulcers in his gullet, which links the throat to the stomach.
The eldest then poured her food into her gullet and headed for PS shouting muffled answers to my enquiries about her day.
Contact may be with your skin, or with the lining of your lungs, mouth, gullet, stomach or intestine.
Then he prised open my mouth and delved in with a metal stick while the nurse fed a miniature sprinkler system down my gullet.
The tam is thought to have evolved to survive passage through the gullet of the island's biggest, flightless bird, the dodo.
His throat fighting the gorge rising in his gullet, he slid off the bed and collapsed on the deck.

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