A non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination identified two gradients of species replacement distinguished by differences in forest canopy species and groundcover. |
This incredible trailing groundcover has vivid fleshy leaves and succulent stems that enable it to store water and thrive in even the harshest climates. |
On the opposite extreme, shallow-rooted groundcover weeds such as ground ivy and chickweed help prevent erosion and prevent soil crusting when dry. |
Because clematis prefer a cool root environment, plan to underplant with a groundcover or perennials that have shallow, non-invasive roots. |
It is shady, screened from view by rhododendrons., hydrangeas and tall ferns, with a groundcover of sweet woodruff that smothers all weeds. |
To add color to a mostly herbal garden, rely on a few shrubs that bloom nearly year-round, such as lavatera and groundcover roses. |