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What is a groundcover?

What is a groundcover? Here are some definitions.

  1. Alternative spelling of ground cover
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On the opposite extreme, shallow-rooted groundcover weeds such as ground ivy and chickweed help prevent erosion and prevent soil crusting when dry.
A non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination identified two gradients of species replacement distinguished by differences in forest canopy species and groundcover.
Vines grow to thirty feet and can be trained on a trellis or used as a groundcover.
To add color to a mostly herbal garden, rely on a few shrubs that bloom nearly year-round, such as lavatera and groundcover roses.
Fiveleaf akebia is a vigorous vine that grows as a groundcover and climbs shrubs and trees by twining.
Because clematis prefer a cool root environment, plan to underplant with a groundcover or perennials that have shallow, non-invasive roots.

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