Women wanting their man to propose would most like him to pop the question in a hot geyser pool in Iceland, it was disclosed today. |
The fifth hole has so many beehive bunkers on it, it looks as if it was built through a geyser field in Yellowstone National Park. |
The car threw on its breaks and screeched against the pavement before ramming into a red fire hydrant, making a geyser of water spray into the air. |
The accumulated geyserite constituted small, cone-shaped hills here and there, which are called geyser cones today. |
A maintenance brigade is repairing the rig, a geyser of steam and water shooting up into the air as they pull sections of pipe out of the ground. |
The geyser, which is said to be one of the highest contributors of high electrical bills, is only switched on in the morning. |