The science that studies the magnetism of the Earth.
They also undertake studies in reflection seismology, geomagnetism, paleomagnetism, geothermics, the Earth's gravitational field and marine sedimentology.
One wonders if the same will happen to other lines of research, such as attempts to replicate, extend, and understand the correlations between ESP and geomagnetism.
The subject matter includes geochemistry, geochronology, geomorphology, geodynamics, geomagnetism, mineral resources, mineralogy, paleontology, petrology, planetology, seismology, solid earth geophysics and tectonics.
This collection grew from Chief Astronomer Dr. Otto Klotz's personal collection to include the fields of geodesy, geomagnetism and seismology.
It was while considering the behaviour of the magnetic fields of the Sun and the Earth that be became interested in geomagnetism and palaeomagnetism.
Investigations on geomagnetism and aeronomy are carried out by the Aeronomy Department.