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What are forbearers?

What are forbearers? Here are some definitions.

  1. plural of forbearer
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Canadians whose ancestors have come from other countries sometimes ask when and how their forbearers arrived in this country.
At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents.
The system must deliver water on demand to customers in individual locations who use an estimated four to five times more water per capita per day than their Roman forbearers.
A legendary fundraiser, he has been instrumental in ensuring that the cultural and linguistic heritage of his forbearers is preserved, enhanced and passed on to future generations.
Rather it refers to a distinctive peoples who, in addition to their mixed ancestry, developed their own customers and recognizable group identity separate from their Indian or Inuit and European forbearers.
No, it's not a Mini or a VW Golf, instead Melissa McCarthy and gang will be driving the same car as their male Eighties forbearers.

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