You won't just read me complaining about morning sickness, stomach flus, truncated naps, and poopy diaper emergencies. |
Polyunsaturated fatty acids and in particular DHA can counteract the development of many diseases such as e.g. gastric and intestinal diseases, atopic eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, colds and flus and inflammations. |
While H5N1 flu is obviously lethal, some milder flus pose a greater societal threat, Professor Mathews says. |
Known properties: Traditionnally used in Western Herbalism for colds, flus and fevers because of its diaphoretic or sweat-inducing properties. |
Common colds, flus and sore throats are examples of viral infections. |
It's as if Hollywood were experiencing some unusual fabric shortage, and I wouldn't be surprised if a legion of actresses have colds or flus by morning after. |