I delve into an intimate part of the body, with relatively exhibitionistic detail. |
They all have a musical substance of an altogether more meaningful level than that of the exhibitionistic output of such keyboard wizards as Liszt, Rachmaninov and their likes? |
Diary writing today remains vastly popular, with the most exhibitionistic diarists choosing to post virtual diaries on the World Wide Web. |
Anyone who uses a child under 18 years of age for exhibitionistic or pornographic purposes or shows shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of six months to two years and a fine of 30 to 60 days' wages. |
They don't need to parade it on stage in quite such an exhibitionistic manner. |
Nevertheless, her performance was somewhat overshadowed by the increasingly exhibitionistic shape-throwing of Stephen McAllister, the in-house main-course chef. |