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What does enginery mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word enginery? Here's what it means.

  1. (archaic) Machinery made up of engines; instruments of war.
  2. (archaic) The act or art of managing engines, or artillery.
  3. (archaic) Any device or contrivance; machinery; structure or arrangement.
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Meantime his agents dispersed themselves through the Aegean, buying provisions and arms, enginery, and war material of all kinds.
The intention of the Commissioners being solely to try her enginery, no use was made of her sails.
As the tumult grew, the War God, who always walks before Chaos, tossed his plumed helmet and marshalled all his enginery.
Here was seen the castle of the noble with all its imposing architecture, and its enginery of offense and defense.
We were still far enough from the front to see this enginery of war as a spectacle.
He then accepted in toto the Marxian theory that capitalistic society bears within itself the enginery of its own doom.

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