Prokofiev fashioned a suite of six pieces resembling a classical divertimento, but one laced with dissonances, evoking Stravinsky's Octet. |
In August, 1879, the composer added a sixth movement, divertimento. |
Some time after midnight we felt that we had had enough of divertimento. |
Been born from the love and the taste for beautiful and the divertimento, it is engaged in the supply of balloons, festoni augurs them, candles and all that that serves in a party and in any other occasion. |
Probably the divertimento composed in July, 1776 was also intended for his sister's fte-day. |
From his very earliest works in this genre, which belong to the lighter class of the ensemble divertimento, the composer's stupendous control of instrumental dialogue and formal equilibrium was already a distinctive feature. |