The first article I wrote in my school magazine explained how to disbud a show chrysanthemum, much to the amusement of the rest of my class. |
The majority of Pygora breeders do disbud their animals at an early age for their own convenience. |
We do not routinely disbud animals other than wethers, so if you would like to purchase a disbudded kid, make sure to let us know so it can be done early. |
This corn sheaf style bouquet of pink and purple Santini and spray and disbud chrysanthemums has been cut straight at the bottom, so it can stand on its own in a bowl. |
If you want your chrysanthemums to produce fewer but larger flowers, you'll need to disbud each flower stem. |
A good time to disbud your kid is when he or she is 3 to 7 days old. The animal's potential for healing will be good at this time. |