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What is a direct product?

What is a direct product? Here are some definitions.

  1. (set theory) The set of all possible tuples whose elements are elements of given, separately specified, sets.
  2. (group theory) Such a set of tuples formed from two or more groups, forming another group whose group operation is the component-wise application of the original group operations and of which the original groups are normal subgroups.
  3. (ring theory) Such a set of tuples formed from two or more rings, forming another ring whose operations arise from the component-wise application of the corresponding original ring operations.
  4. (topology) A topological space analogously formed from two or more (up to an infinite number of) topological spaces.
  5. (mathematics) Any of a number of mathematical objects analogously derived from a given ordered set of objects.
  6. (category theory) A high-level generalization of the preceding that applies to objects in an arbitrary category and produces a new object constructable by morphisms from each of the the original objects.
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