A blend of multiple styles of music, intended to appeal to a wider audience.
An automobile that is a mix of two kinds of automobiles, e.g. the Pontiac Torrent.
(rail transport) A pair of switches and a short, diagonal length of track which together connect two parallel tracks and allow passage between them.
A piece of fiction that borrows elements from two or more fictional universes.
(sports) A crossover athlete or crossover swimmer who has competed in more than one of open water swimming, pool swimming, triathlon, endurance sports.
(computing) Configured with the wires that are connected to pins #1 (data transmission, positive polarity) and #2 (data transmission, negative polarity) on one side, connected to pins #3 (receive data, positive polarity) and #6 (receive data, negative polarity) on the other side, and with pins #3 (receive +) and #6 (receive -) on the one end wired to pins #1 (transmit +) and #2 (transmit -) on the other end.