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What does cottoned mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word cottoned? Here's what it means.

  1. simple past tense and past participle of cotton
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Of course, once Joe cottoned to this idea of visual stimulation, he completely threw himself into it.
When the press cottoned on, they were quite annoyed they just didnt understand our aims and objectives.
Has the world cottoned on to my gentle wit, my innate sense of style, or my ability to tug at the emotional heartstrings so dextrously?
After a number of attempts to locate the disturbance in the area, the police finally cottoned on to the world above their eyeline and raided the place.
The Australians never really cottoned on to the idea that sport was a way in which gentlemen amused themselves.
As the mainstream media cottoned on to the story and joined in the chorus, those inside the camp say they felt relief.

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