It also pointed out that some species of farmland birds, including cirl buntings, stone curlews, goldfinch and whitethroat, have increased. |
These habitats support species such as the chough in Cornwall, cirl buntings in South and East Devon and the heath fritillary butterfly on Exmoor. |
While there is no room for complacency, the revival of the cirl bunting has been a real success story. |
Stubbles and arable field margins not only benefit cirl bunting but also a wide range of other species, including many insects, birds and small mammals. |
The introduction of winter-sowing has thus been inimical to both cirl buntings and skylarks, leading to the loss of overwinter stubbles and dense cereal swards. |
As well as benefiting cirl buntings and other wildlife the scheme has also helped enhance business viability and farmers optimism about the future. |