In addition, a strong staining was observed in maternal chalazal tissue shortly after fertilization, and persisted throughout seed development. |
Note the chalazal vascular bundle that encircles about three-quarters of the seed and the two short side branches that contain phloem only. |
Nevertheless there are curious points to be investigated in the earlier stages of development, such as the vascular supply and the chalazal lobings. |
Currently an autapomorphy for Cyanastrum, although may be homologous with chalazal elaiosomes or pachychalaza in other taxa. |
In adventitious embryony, the embryo develops directly from nucellar or chalazal tissue without an intervening gametophyte stage. |
These nutrients enter the seed through a single vascular bundle in the funiculus that extends into the seed coat as the chalazal vein and its two lateral branches. |