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What is a canard?

What is a canard? Here are some definitions.

  1. A false or misleading report or story, especially if deliberately so.
  2. (aeronautics) A type of aircraft in which the primary horizontal control and stabilization surfaces are in front of the main wing.
  3. (transport, engineering) Any small winglike structure on a vehicle, usually used for stabilization.
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Brief, chatty and digestible, the book should refute the old canard that economics is dismal.
The conservative talk jocks have been purveying this canard to explain their monopoly of the spectrum.
As for the old canard that Europe's bloodiest wars were the wars of religion, no serious student of the carnage of the twentieth century can credit that.
The briefest glance at David's productivity and output during his tenure there ought to put the quietus on that canard.
Telling the New Zealand public that Maori have unlimited tangi leave is a canard.
It is a classic anti-semitic canard to punish any Jew for the perceived crimes of all of them.

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